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The challenge is interesting!

I played the level 1 and liked that each power source has its own mechanics, but in my opinion the 2d and 3rd appeared too early, we need more time to familiarise with the 1st source and understand how it works.

And this kind of tutorial is boring. It's too much informations at the same time! I don't want to read that much.

Thanks, that is very helpful. I was afraid players would get bored if it took too long with the same power source. I will test different paces.

Regarding the tutorial, you mean the one in the beginning or the messages during gameplay?


You're welcome!

I mean the the tutorial in the beginning, where we have to click "next". 

I know that get the player to understand the rules is never the easiest part. Maybe make shorter and spatialized texts, and also more feedback to reward the player.