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Gameplay if you're interested:

I liked the humour of it but it never feels like there's a threat and I was excited when I saw you could hide too. There are times when the voices are a little over the top in a funny way but I'm not sure that was the intention. The nod to FEAR was cool too but overall I think this kinda falls flat and that last jumpscare... 


Hey man. Thanks for playing. Yeah I completely agree with your points. I’ve been saying this a lot recently, but I originally intended this project as a sample / practice / tech demo style thing for future projects and this is the kinda feedback I need from it!

It’s definitely entertaining watching people play the game as it is as a reaction prop but getting feedback to help shape future projects is gold!


Also the hiding was never intentional, it was just a side effect of being able to open and close wardrobes, but a few people have pointed that out so maybe for future projects I block entry if hiding isn’t intended