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Hi there! I'm new and I'm not in many communities...Autonauts brought me to this one... :-)

So, I enjoy playing Autonauts so much, that I have some questions about it (i think dumb stuff that everyone knows)....

....why doesn't it work, when I make a time-loop in another loop, that only has to repeat x-time? my workers repeat it forever, if this scenario happens. But...if I put various loops like "until hands full/empty" in a x-time loop, the workers will correctly stop the actions after x-time repeating...

Am I doing it wrong??  :-)

thx for help


if you make a loop inside another loop, one probably is a "forever" loop and the other one  is the "repeat x times", that translates to "repeat x times infinite times"

(3 edits)

no, the one outside is also an "repeat x times" in the example ;-)

the 1-time repeat which contains all of it, doesn't work, the worker repeats it forever i think?!

also like this, the worker repeats all forever, but he should go to 217.121 and then stop there, or i'm wrong?

like this it works, or the "repeat-x-times"-loop inside is replaced by another like "hands full/emtpy"...only when the one inside is also "repeat-x-time" it's not working...

hmmm you are right, but it used to work before :/ 

Hi. Unfortunately nested "Repeat X times" isn't supported yet. Sorry :(


Hi! No worry, the game is so cool, and there are many workarounds to come over with it.

At least i know that I'm doing it right! :-)

Thanks for this great new game, i'm playing each major and minor release till "20 happy hangers", check the features an design/overlay-changes. great development, really nice!