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How do I view bad ending 12? I tried restarting the ??? route from the beginning so that I'd have a save that hadn't viewed the good endings, but it took me to the naming sequence instead.

(2 edits)

Unfortunately, that's a really hard one to view because just restarting the ??? route won't be enough to get it to trigger :( It only happens if you didn't see all of the good endings from the Student, Mage, Clan, Detective, and Gamer routes >.< So you'd have to go back to a really old save that was missing a good end from one of the original 5 routes.

You're not missing much though because it's a very short bad ending and if I'm remembering correctly, it doesn't have a CG either. I'd say it's not worth the effort to view, haha.

i'll trust you on that. have a good week.