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(1 edit) (+1)

It was a whole phase before I won. I had moved the ball to be centered with the anemone and then it just wouldn't move in any direction.
Sorry I can't be of much more help than that.

Thanks for letting us know!! We'll try to actually finish the game after the review period ends and will be on the lookout for that bug :) 

AWESOME! I look forward to playing this again! =)

Another small suggestion: you could drop the space/E buttons entirely and rely strictly on swarm placement/collision. For example, if I position the swarm over a weed, every fish that collides with the weed would "eat" the weed a bit more until the weed is removed. Same with hiding from predators - I would just need to move the swarm to the center of the anemone and they will hide in it as long as they are swimming within its borders.