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The concept of  controlling four characters at the same time is pretty neat, and fits well the theme! Moreover, I found the graphics pretty nice!

However, I have two issues with the game:

- I had a bug against the last big creature, I couldn't hit it no matter what I did, I even tried to go above it by using the spell of the magician. (Btw I found also another bug, if I try to jump below the bridge made by the magician, and at the same time I'm close to the ground, I hit the bridge with my head => The character gets stuck in jump animation, and can't jump anymore after that)

- The SFX of feedback hit from the monsters was a bit too annoying for my taste.

Overall good job!


Thanks for the feedback. My intention with the boss was to use the spell to draw a slope and make the rocks fall into the boss, but I was running out of time and couldn't really flush out that feature.  And yeah, there were quite a few problems with colliders and the characters, by the time I realized it I had to keep it in order to finish the rest of it.