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There was a bug right at the beginning if you press W:

I believe the bug is because you are standing at the fat guy’s window while in that menu, but your key inputs are not restricted, so one menu actives in top of the other.

Besides that, the game is awesome. I think if you keep polishing it, maybe streamlining the ship building process, it could turn out great. It is from time to time a little bit tedius. Maybe walking faster when carrying things. I Think the game would benefit greatly if you add mouse support during menus and some tooltips to icons and stuff when you hover over them.


Another thing: I won the first wave and by the second I didn’t have enough bitcredits to purchase anything and options are too limited. You have to either provide parts for all budgets or balance the overall economy of the game so you can still make progress even if you are on a low budget. I mean, I lost two fights and won three and i ran out of resources almost. The bitcredits earnings for winning are to small compared to what you get if you lose. Maybe stretch them apart a little bit more, like +10 for winning / +5 for losing and a chance to win/retrieve scraps if your ships returned damaged or something like that.


Thanks for your feedback Paul! I'll take it into consideration for future updates!