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Thank you for replying. I edited my review to go into more detail and explain my thoughts better. And I finished Izumi's route to get a better perspective. I did find myself laughing at points and think it is overall cute. With tweaks, I think Souma would be fine.

No. Thank you for going into more detail! Will definitely keep these things in mind going forward and in a way from the player's perspective and what they see with little to no solid information about their previous relationship I can understand how it could raise major red flags! The intent was for things to mellow down on his route but if people are really turned away from said route it becomes a little counter productive.  Sadly I don't think I can overhaul Souma and what he is at this point but I really appreciate the constructive criticism! ^^


I didn't mean that you should go back to change him :) I just felt like I should clarify that he is mostly a good character. Some characters are just terrible all around, but I don't think this is the case with Souma. Overall, he is likeable and well written but suffers from a few bad interactions. I do look forward to what your team makes on the future! And, thank you for replying. It makes me feel like what I'm saying matters at least a little :)