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Code snippets for those who want to try my final approach:

startup tagged passage:
<!-- Set up quick links to use throughout story passages; put a ql before a hook you want to click and a qt before a passage you want it to reveal. -->
(set:$ql1 to (hook:"quicklink1"))
(set:$ql2 to (hook:"quicklink2"))
(set:$ql3 to (hook:"quicklink3"))
(set:$ql4 to (hook:"quicklink4"))
(set:$ql5 to (hook:"quicklink5"))
(set:$qt1 to (click:?quicklink1)+(transition:"dissolve"))
(set:$qt2 to (click:?quicklink2)+(transition:"dissolve"))
(set:$qt3 to (click:?quicklink3)+(transition:"dissolve"))
(set:$qt4 to (click:?quicklink4)+(transition:"dissolve"))
(set:$qt5 to (click:?quicklink5)+(transition:"dissolve"))
story passage:
You stand at the base of a tree. The trunk is broad, supporting many $ql1[low branches].$qt1[
The branches look look like they should be able to take your weight if you were to $ql2[climb] up them.]$qt2[
Up you go! You scuff a knee, but are still pretty proud of yourself by the time you reach the canopy.]