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Thank you, I'm very happy to hear that you went this deep into my creation and I was pleased to read that comment! :)

Actually, I tried to make your "death" direction the same as the correct "after death" direction in all of the levels. I made it so that you don't need to switch directions upon dying and can just hold down the same button. In a sense, it's nice that the only (or the most) prominent occasion of that is the Maze level, because it means that nothing bothered you on the other ones. :)

There is, in fact, an "input reset" after level reset or time running out, but unfortunately this command (UnityEngine.Input.ResetInputAxes()) doesn't seem to work in browsers. That's a must in this game, thanks for reinforcing this opinion! :) And I'll have to figure out something about making it clearer that the time ran out, maybe a timer could blink with red color during the last 0.1-0.3 seconds.

I noticed the direction on death thing in all the levels, but what I liked about Maze was the path was open ended, so you had to plot the path yourself :)


Thanks for pointing this out, I'll try to come up with more levels like "Maze". :)