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The tactical sex battles have some pretty neat stuff going on. I feel like some of the mechanics could be condensed somewhat. The pachinko machine for example, could be right on the main battle screen. Instead of the wait timer, you'd watch the balls to bounce their way to the bottom and plan for your next move.

The writing is expressive and polished. My concern would be players glossing over the combat descriptions as they do appear quite rapidly and many of them repeat. Maybe they could be something that appears only for special attacks? I don't really like the descriptions stacking either, they become more of an "action log". Displaying one at a time would make each of them a lot more of an event.

I really dig the "90's futurist" ui style. It is however a little disconnected with the imagery of furries in a forest for me. Retro tactical cyberpunk is more what comes to mind, especially with the way that the attacks are portrayed.

It's a cool system with a lot of mechanics, but I would like to see it all become a little more streamlined.