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No worries at all, I'm always impressed that anyone can turn around, find the issue and fix it. I sometimes have a hard time with WASD, space and a mouse.


Haha I just finished playing through the whole thing and everything is working as intended.  The update will be released in around 15 mins! :D


Okay all that chaos is finally over and the final build is complete :)

Awesome! I was just sitting down for some recording, perfect timing! I'll give it a once over real quick and let you know that it's good on this end!



Everything looks good! They really add a lot of nuance to the narrative that I missed in my first episode. I'll add them back in in my next one!

Thank you!

Dude, I just finished the second episode and I'm downright impressed by this game. Was this a solo development?

Sorry for the late reply but yes, this was a solo development.  It took me about a year and a half to complete and is my first "professional" game aka a game i'm proud of :)