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Okay i'm not sure what happened, i took a bot out of the bot storage and tried to give it a shovel. it dissappeared. i tried it several times and then i could finally reach its program screen but then i got stuck in it and the bot dissappeared aswell. Also it says "Name's brain" (Me is confused) it also ripped 1 hour of work as this is a world from the 1.11 build which i think autosave isn't enabled? Nothing to do about this. I'm not sure if this is considered a real bug or something but it certainly affected me! goodluck fixing this (If its even possible) Denki you're awesome.

Ok that sounds bad. Can you send me a file called Autonauts_Data/Output_log.txt please? here i think this will work

Ok I'm really not sure what's gone wrong there. have you tried loading up again to see if that fixes it?

nothing special, just all i did for all that time was gone :(. 

Check your autosaves and see if you can get a better one :)

It was a 1.11 build so autosave didn't work/enabled. Or autosave folder was full (there we're 5 in there from the Party world) I dont know but it's ok today is a new update anyway. Ill start a new one :)