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Our First Update At Last!

It's been just over a week since The Last Knight was made available for download, and so far it has been downloaded near a 100 times. This may not seem like much, but for my first game I have been stoked thus far. So, here is what is in the update!

  • The Snow Level - Another great low poly level for our knight protagonist to explore, the level features open areas, a castle ruin, mountain pass, and.. well snow of course! The level isn't as large as I was considering making it, but I may go back and extend it at a later time.
  • New Animations - In the original downloads, all of the animations were done by myself. While I was proud of this, I of course realize that their quality was mediocre at best. I was lucky enough to find a great pack of free animations to implement into the game. These new anims include: walk, run, combat idle, hit, and death.
  • Menu Scene + UI - While this point is minuscule, I'd still like to mention it. There are a couple changes to the menu scene layout as well as color and transparency edits to the menu UI. It is my personal opinion that the menu is much more aesthetically pleasing.

Thank you for reading! Please download the update and provide me feedback!

The Lone Knight Updated