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I played the game and i have thoroughly enjoyed from a players point of view, but putting my writers hat on, i find it a bit odd that the whole dating bit is done extremely rushed and feels a bit unnatural. As nice Tai is there isn't really any flirting going on like there would be in real life - and the actual flirting is really forced and it kind of magically happens basically from zero to 180 degrees and it takes 3 days to go from I barely know you to Im fully infatuated with you. Im concerned that the writer doesn't understand the difference between A crush and love which are two different things. Because these terms are being used interchangeably and they are two different groups of emotions that although are connected are not the same.  

As a reader I honestly would prefer if they added another 3 days of interesting writing to instead of the whole extensive Tai scene thats basically done for people to grab a tissue. 

With one serious problem i see in Tai's route is that MC and Tai never share any physical contact until their culminating night scene which also doesn't even have a single kiss mentioned and its more like two bricks doing it. They literally don't even touch hands, hugs or smooch each-other. 

And don't get me wrong its all nice but sometimes less is more. Its nice, but from a plot perspective it takes too much time and feels forced. And I think it would be beneficial to each route, to get the reader to know each character more. 

Saying this the game is very good and very entertaining and fun to play and the graphics are beautiful.

Did you...y' the MC's thoughts? Before the long and hard night happens, he contemplates the fact that him and Tai are hitting it off super quickly, and on Day 8, Tai also says that things were moving way too fast; he just didn't explain why. Although I can see the confusion in having it happens too fast, but again, if we want a thorough explanation from the characters, guess we're gonna hafta wait on that one.

Pretty much everything brought up was indeed intentional and is building towards something. Of course, I cannot say anymore right now because of spoilers, but in due course, it'll become clear what's going on and why all of this feel so off.