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Thanks - I try my best to stay positive!

And well, I'm glad I was right about most of my assumptions - I guess roleplaying a lot and creating tons of stories DO help you understand other people's characters too!

I think people pick sides (too) easily if they are biased from the beginning, either because they personaly agree too strongly with one of the characters, and can't see they are at fault too, and that the others are also right about other aspects of the problem, or simply because they like one of them a lot more than the others or truly dislike one of them. You tend to have less insight if personal opinions about characters butt in! Yes, Zeggy is my favorite, but Alkaline and Joe are not far behind to me, so I wouldn't simply tend to think "want them to stop hurting him!" and nothing more. 

And also thanks for being okay with my long looong messages! I'm glad you enjoy talking with me, because to be honest I get very analytic and wordy veeery easily, and while some people like that, sometimes I'm affraid I can end up annoying someone too

<3 I believe in you!

And yeah, I've tended to notice what you said as well. I think it can be difficult for some of my readers as well because some ARE the ages of all three of them and therefore some haven't gotten past their own Zeggy stage in a way, haha.

I think more often than not creators appreciate any sort of comment because it can be difficult to get them (especially someone like me who does mostly adult works) but it's good you seem to know your boundaries as well! Personally, I give your comments a 10/10, haha.