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Aha!! Here's the problem: Too many Toasters!! You know what they say... All toasters toast toast!! (please tell me you got the reference...)

Ok, bad jokes aside... I'm finally home, and i can rate your game!! (sorry if i let you wait that long :P) The idea is really unique, and i really liked that you had limited toast (it's a cool twist on the "your corpse will stays after you die" concept), the only thing is that the room were a bit too hard imo... 

The controls felt really polished, but like Afif Zughayer already told you, even tho i didn't personally felt the need of them, it's best to add Koyote Time and some Jump Buffer: they really make your already awesome controller feel even better... Here's a really good tutorial on how to implement them

To sum up: Great Game!! All Felt Amazing: from the controls, to the level design, to the graphics and music!! Good Job Really!! (^D^)

Also, the controls wrote on the first room are wrong, but i bet you already know that... :3

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the kind words :D I changed the jump key last minute so i forgot to change tutorial :d

Oh also i love hotel mario :d