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(2 edits)

Hey, this is an interesting little game! I can't seem to figure out what's going on, but strangely enough, that hasn't seemed to matter. Like Cregina above, it didn't take too many attempts to get the S rating.

Let me tell you why coherent gameplay didn't matter for me today: It's been a long couple of weeks for me. I popped onto just wondering what I might see today, and I found a launch giveaway for ATOMICA. I always like to try games and give a bit of feedback to the developer, so I dived in. My 4yo son sat on my lap as I did a little playtest, and we were both just chilling to the music, randomly hitting buttons and just chatting back and forth. "You got a B this time!" says my son. He's been struggling to learn his letters recently, and that just made me smile! Games that can be played without a lot of strategy or dexterity are things we can do together. Cube and Star has been a recent favorite, and I think ATOMICA may be on the playlist for a little while, too. Thanks for the good moment, Timothi!

Hi dinre, 

Thank you so much for posting about your experience! That little bit about your son really warmed my heart and made my day. You also helped pull me out of a creative burnout too. 

I do apologize for the incoherent gameplay. Much of my daily work centers around making other games coherent (usability wise) and it's an irony that the experiences I create in my free time constantly buck that trend. Many a times, I feel like my brain goes "I spend so much time making games work for others, I think its time I make something that just is...whatever it is".

Over time, I do hope to develop the game more so that it explains itself better. I'm so glad you chose to play ATOMICA! 
