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This is gonna be a complicated case huh..... 

I kinda expected things to go this way, with things going waaaaaaay too fast for Adrian and Tai (i mean come on they met 6 days ago and started the "i'm interested" thing 3 days ago...), but i'm intrigued for the following days and the outcome of their relationship (and his darkest secrets with Spencer as well ^^).

One thing that surprised me was Diego's reaction.... He's taking it surprisingly well considering what we know about him. Or is it too soon for him to let his emotions speaking.....?

Anyway i'm really excited for next update(s)
PS: His uncut d**k is so perfect it's heavens to my eyes ^w^

There's no fun in smooth sailing, nor doing the same thing twice! The pacing in Tai's route is going to be very different to what everyone is accustomed to, but that's all part of the story! And yes... we've only just begun. Stay tuned for more!

That's what make this route interesting and captivating. I feel that it's kinda like "play hard to get" but in a far more serious tone. Also that serious and sometime teasing tiger dad has alpha blood in his veins, i like the personnality switch!