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Funny concept! A bit hard to control. more art would make this very cool. Maybe I'm missing something - but I don't see the topic implemented.

Good job! :)

Would really appreciate if you gave my game a try ;P


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. Art was one of the last things I added, here's how it looked yesterday

As for Failure is Progress:
Normally in RPGs, when you lose all your hp you die/fail/have to start again, here the Knight only gets knocked out and can still progress by getting back up and can also progress towards winning if the sword touches a blob whist knocked out/in the failure state.

will do :)

I see what you mean about the topic - makes more sense. I think the art on the characters looks good! all I meant was that a little more texture in the world might be nice. Of course, it is a game jam so it's never easy. :)

Thanks, I was trying to get the look of medieval drawings and paintings.

I wholeheartedly agree on both points, it needs more world texture and game jams aren't easy :)