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When you say the pants didn't work properly, what do you mean?It's definitely happening because you deleted some bottoms though, that's for sure. You can't delete the weird pants/dress combo either? The more info you can give me on what you did and what happened helps me out a ton! Then I can re-create the bug and find a fix for it :)

Clients not accepting outfits that match perfectly is a well known bug and will be fixed in the next update. If you come across an impossible client, just delete them.

Oh right, the babydoll item was a test, I should not have added it to the game haha. It doesn't have a graphic for the other skirts, so it may show up invisible on some clients if you own it. Although I'm confused about the layering issue you mentioned. What were you trying to achieve with the details?

Editing garments is not a feasible option, sorry :( once the design is finished, it saves it into a single image and all of its data is lost. Saving the data for each garment would just crash your RAM. I may have made the system a bit too complex, haha.

Well, the pants issue was that I used the rose detail (I think I only had a couple of details at the time, the teardrop one and that rose) and it did not show up, so I deleted the pants. After that, they were gone. I think I tried to make them three times, and I deleted each one. So I gave up on that. Then I made a dress, and the pants showed up there instead and as the weird combo, also with the rose detail showing up, oddly enough. I did delete that as well, but the combo then showed up as a different dress that I made. Deleted that, too.  At this point, I hadn't closed the game at all yet. Defeated, I saved and quit, and when I came back later, everything was working fine, rose detail included.

I see, the babydoll thing makes sense. Deleting all impossible clients is a can-do.

As for the details, I was just trying to get them to show up on the skirt (or pants, from earlier). They showed up completely fine in the thumbnail, and I thought I had moved them all to the foremost layer (I used the buttons that seem to move from straight from the first to the last layer), as they looked fine in the design as well, but you can see in the screenshot that one of the roses is missing due to being on a different layer, and the big rose is under the shirt. Since the second is probably because shirts override skirts, I'll just readjust for that one, but the medium rose missing is a little irritating, since that was about my fourth attempt to get all of the details to work. I still don't know if that answers your question. As a side note, I did eventually succeed with a different dress, so it does work fine, it's just hard to tell if the details are actually on a layer that leaves them visible sometimes.

Oh, I see. Not feasible at all then. How many layers are there to a skirt or a dress, then? Just on the basic level. I think even knowing that would be helpful. Or maybe if there was a sound effect to the layer buttons? Because right now there isn't any, and I think that would help, even if there was just one to tell if you had hit the foremost or last layer, or if the buttons faded out when you couldn't move in one direction any more. I don't know if either of those options are feasible either, but it seems that it would be simpler than crashing RAM. Ah well, everything is a learning process :)