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Neat game! But also evil difficult. The camera seems too zoomed in for how fast paced it is and that area right in the beginning after the walljump section was ruthless. Also I had to minimize it and it sent me back to the main menu.

Thank you! ^.^

The resolution is based on GBA resolution, and I kept the camera pretty basic. I may implement a "look" key, so you can look a little ways ahead or add a "pan the level" scene on level start, but have not decided on that yet. 

I have died myself many times in that same section, I may be kind of a jerk when it comes to level design, but I have no plans to change it (I do plan to add more levels, however, and one of them will be just before that one and a little less mean to better ease into it).

 I have no idea why minimizing it is doing that for you. Trying all manner of window resizing on my end works fine so I'm not sure how to fix that. =/