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i wish i could somehow carry the "your breasts are amazing" thought to the end to say instead of i wanna kiss you. would be a funny ending.

That's a funny idea!

what do you think the ending would be like? i'm wondering if it would be "you screwed it up and she threw the dinner at your face" or "now that i think about it lets just be friends"

Probably give him a slap and leave

ah yes, the baka ending. is this the worst ending or the best ending i wonder?

I'd say they still have a chance of making up so maybe somewhere in the middle

so the neutral ending. maybe you could add an update that adds it

I don't think I will, this was a game I made a very long time ago and I am not interested in developing it further! But thanks for the suggestion anyway

do you think "sorry i was desperately trying to hold in every romantic thought about you and when i finally had a chance to release i blurted out the worst one. you're just so pretty and i practiced for two hours to say i love you and my throat hurts, my heart hurts too and i really do love you and you're the best woman i ever met" would work?