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(2 edits)

Hi, I wanted to report a possible bug and post three spoilery questions:

First, my compliments to the game. Everything, I think, was extremely well done (I especially had a lot of fun with the cipher). If there's any flaw, I think it is that the enemies get a bit too bulky HP-wise toward the end.

Now, the possible bug I found by digging around to see if there was something I missed:

There's a certain invisible being in a certain area. They give you a choice of rewards. If you say no to them, they do not add 4 to the Magic Number like taking a reward does. I mean, you DID find them, so I presume it should add to the number, no?

Finally, the three questions, all spoilery:

Is the invisible person somewhere else, like in Neo Vinclum?

There's a bit of dialogue... somewhere I can't remember referring to the Goddess Lumera or Lunera, saying they are not all-powerful. Nowhere else is this goddess mentioned if I remember. I am wondering if this was maybe some early name of Xelanyel that didn't get changed in the dialogue.

I seem to have found everything except one thing and it is driving me mad: is the enemy named Cephiti fightable? I would like to beat it up because it looks cool and for the life of me I cannot find them.

Wonderful game, again. Thank you for the experience! The secret final boss was an extremely dirty trick you pulled and I appreciated it very much. And I don't mean the snail.

Thanks very much! That IS in fact a bug, good catch! :DDD I'll get that fixed!

The invisible being is in fact in Neo Vinclum. He's not easy to find. I don't know if anyone's ever found him.

As for Goddess Lumera, that was a reference to another game I was working on at the time (I like cross-promotional hidden stuff like that XD) but given that that game's production never got far before getting put on hiatus, I may change that dialog. It's not very fitting right now.

Cephiti is fightable but not made to be beaten, more as an easter egg (tho some dedicated people have beaten her).  As a blatant homage to a game about dreams, there is a lightbulb you can turn on and off in Neo Vinclum. If you turn the lights off and on repeatedly, there is a chance _something_ will happen (you don't have to leave the room to reset either, but the chance is still very low). 

Thanks again for getting so involved in finding all these secrets, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! :DDD