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A member registered Feb 26, 2021

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(2 edits)

Hi, I wanted to report a possible bug and post three spoilery questions:

First, my compliments to the game. Everything, I think, was extremely well done (I especially had a lot of fun with the cipher). If there's any flaw, I think it is that the enemies get a bit too bulky HP-wise toward the end.

Now, the possible bug I found by digging around to see if there was something I missed:

There's a certain invisible being in a certain area. They give you a choice of rewards. If you say no to them, they do not add 4 to the Magic Number like taking a reward does. I mean, you DID find them, so I presume it should add to the number, no?

Finally, the three questions, all spoilery:

Is the invisible person somewhere else, like in Neo Vinclum?

There's a bit of dialogue... somewhere I can't remember referring to the Goddess Lumera or Lunera, saying they are not all-powerful. Nowhere else is this goddess mentioned if I remember. I am wondering if this was maybe some early name of Xelanyel that didn't get changed in the dialogue.

I seem to have found everything except one thing and it is driving me mad: is the enemy named Cephiti fightable? I would like to beat it up because it looks cool and for the life of me I cannot find them.

Wonderful game, again. Thank you for the experience! The secret final boss was an extremely dirty trick you pulled and I appreciated it very much. And I don't mean the snail.