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What I liked:

  • Music
  • Objectives were clear with pictures
  • Different foods were worth different values
  • Good theme connection
  • Evolving was nice (made me faster at least)
  • Calling those ants are clutch once you get a lot, saves my precious fingersd

What I didn't like:

  • Font choice (it's hard to read)
  • Could not hold down LMB to harvest
  • Instructions were opposite in description on game page
  • Hard to find food
  • It took like 100 clicks to get some syrup on the ground (250 points)
  • No minimap (easy to get lost)
  • After my first mass ant harvest sometimes I couldn't get ants to come help (figured out it was "exhaustion", but no idea what that was and how they recouperate)
  • Could not call additional ants AFTER harvest with other ants has started
  • Had a bunch of negative scores

  • Couldn't eat any mushrooms...
  • No real ending?

In closing:

Super slow start, I was just about to ragequit when I was like...well let's see what happens when I click on this thing...then I started clicking...and it was taking forever....I was about to ragequit again... but I stuck with it... glad I did. I think you need some food literally right in front of the starting point and gradually place the more valuables out far (which may have happened, but due to no mini map and me getting lost as soon as I started, it hurt me)

Overall though, it was pretty cool. Just need to fix all those issues I listed and this could be fun with more levels (or procedurally generated ones).


Wow this is the most fair rate. Thank you so much for every suggestion and feedback! I know there are lots of things to be fixed :) Thanks!