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(1 edit) (+1)

Unfortunately on my Mac when launching the game it says that the app is damaged and cannot be launched :-(

I was looking forward to play it, as it has clean stylized  visuals and the other comments made me curious.

Oh I'm sorry to hear that. macOS was the only platform we could not test due to hardware. I think uploading new builds (for example on google drive) is against the rules so I cannot provide you a working version for macOS yet.

You could give the browser version a go, however it performs relatively bad in comparison and the controls are worse. We will definitely update the game in the future though, with proper macOS support!

We're sorry about that, thanks for your understanding!


(5 edits) (+1)

The problem with the macOS version is that it's lacking the executable attribute for some reason.

If you have some experience with the command line (terminal), you could try modifying the game attributes using the installation instructions on our game page.

We will release a fixed version after the jam though!
