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Pretty cool! 

I think it would help if the shards were a different colour - at least for me it took a long time to realise in the first level that I was supposed to collect that (it just kinda looked like another part of the map).

And I was sad when I got hit by the enemy and then had to start from the beginning again (no 'checkpoint') - but I guess you ran you ran out of time for that. The upgrade system is pretty nifty and the game mechanics were well implemented!

Keep it up!

(2 edits)

I will release a "definitive edition" when we are allowed to update our games again (after the voting process is over). That will fix many things and make the game way less punishable. Time just ran out for me on developing this one in just a week with those ambitious ideas haha.

Edit: Oh, and the take on the shards is an interesting one! I'll try some colouring or more exaggerated animation. (I want the colours in the game to be mostly reserved for the enemies, which many new types will be added later, which gives the game more colour)


No checkpoints (for now) because it's a roguelite, BUT

Working really hard to polish up the game right now. :)

Ah awesome! Keep at it!

Quick update: The post-jam update is live!
You can read what has changed here (or just see for yourself).
Hope you give it another try. :)

Hey, I did indeed give it another try - great touch up work! I was able to get quite a bit further in the game, and somehow the game felt more polished. Nice :)

That's great to hear! Thanks for playing. :)