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I liked the graphics, and the scoring menu showing where you earned the most points is a nice touch. I don't think I understood all there is to the game (I only ate half chocolate, the other player ate all the other halfs), but I got 11182 on the 16 chocolate box. (I also got a 'love2d blue screen' on my first try but it didn't appeared again after)

Ah, yes the half chocolate is so you can see what’s inside, briefly, and since the boxes are somewhat symmetrical, you can then assume what’s inside some others. For the “other player”‘s turn, you don’t get to see what’s inside. I should have added a “crunch” sound for clarity, haha.

I would get the occasional “blue screen” too, but only rarely, so I wasn’t able to reproduce it enough times to track it down (and my code is a mess, as I was playing with an an ECS (Concord) for the first time, and messed up the hierarchy)