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I'm sorry you're sick, and it's okay to take it light(and heck even be in the opposite mood of the bad ends, lol).
But YAY! I am so SO happy for you! :D Congrats on the proposal/engagement(if you said yes which being so happy you prolly did). xD I am so freakin' happy for you. :D


Thank youuu, Seraiden! Yes! I'm still reeling with happiness over here x"D also a bit nervous because our family is going to meet and eat together to talk about the wedding plans soon--but yeah, I'm having a major mood swings 😂

I really appreciate your understanding <3 it's hard to explain my feelings well but I'll do my best to get myself back together! >< 


SweetChiel <3

It's fineeee. Let yourself be the random giddy bits and the emotional rollercoaster. It's fun. :D Stay safe, be healthy and yay! <3