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So hey, I played through all of this and I have a quick question: After I finish what seems to be the last level and get the "you win" screen there is still one final block on the level select screen in the bottom right corner that is locked and unselectable. I'm curious if there is anything to it that I am missing.

Beyond that it is a solid little puzzle game. It is probably a bit too "finicky" at times (sometimes a block or twin only needed to be moved a slight amount and on the harder puzzles moving either a bit too much could be disastrous) but I thought it was a neat twist on the gravity switching puzzle genre and the puzzles did a solid job of exploring the mechanics. 

It might be impossible due to how it is programmed but the one thing that would have really benefited it would be the ability to take at least one move back. Too many times I accidentally shifted gravity in a direction rather than move the player character in that direction like I intended and being able to take that back rather than often have to restart would have been appreciated.

Also it didn't make a huge difference but putting the gravity shifting on ESDF rather than WASD took a number of stages to adjust to.


Thank you for such a detailed comment! The block that's still there is where I am considering adding more levels in the future, but right now it's just there.

I'm not totally sure how I would go about making a back button but that's a good idea and I will see if I can make something work.

Unfortunately, ESDF is built in to PICO-8 so I can't change that.

I'm really glad you enjoyed the game!