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(2 edits)

I liked the intro cinematic, and thought it was a clever way to introduce the two characters, their abilities, and the enemies!

I really liked the second brownish-character's abilities, of creating platforms. There's so much to do with that I think just by itself, and had a smile on my face when it clicked in my mind to scale walls using the spawnable platforms.

Like another commenter said, the game can become a bit challenging sooner that expected -- I appreciated the helpful checkpoints set up that alleviated that, but would have appreciated having more checkpoints (to avoid re-doing the same part again).

I also liked the music and loved the mouth-made sound effects haha

Thanks for sharing!!


Thanks for the feedback! I personally love hard games and, as a result, sometimes overdo it a little with the difficulty in my own games. I'll certainly make sure to add extra checkpoints in the future.

I will say though the challenge of the game really got me immersed and into the game -- totally not a bad thing (I' m also not great at platformers haha), and I can tell the game was made with lots of care which is really what matters. :)