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day ?!? 

unfoetunately didnt have a productive weekend as I was hoping for and I'm now on the sprint to get as much polish in this game before submitting on Thursday night (no pressure!) 

Been taking on feedback and advice from those who have tested the game and have now resolved the issues

  1. player feedback. This includes a particle effect when landing after a jump(still buggy) and the player having a bit more motion while running. Animation may be being added later depending on time. 
  2. Balancing. Player will begin in middle lane and the spawning of checkpoints has been altered so no matching lane colours and pick ups appear. I.e. yellow pickups in the yellow lane. further improvements have been done to the player jump to make it more believable. 
  3. Ability to use A/D keys for moving left and right. 

New build should be live tomorrow once more issues have been resolved.