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So nice to see the progress! Even if I plan to buy once it's finished officially, I accidentally read a bit of a review that indicates that the bad endings are good. I love good bad ends, now I'm curious beyond compare... *cry*

Must... resist! I don't have money anyway! C'mon, me!! D:<

Oh well, but I must ask: how many bad ends are there in one route?

Ah, right, thank you for the hardwork, Dev! ^^

Hmm, how many? I guess one or two really, with a few variations depending on what choices you've made through the route. 

I suppose it also depends on what you would consider a 'bad' ending. The outcome of the peace talks are separate from the outcome of the relationships, so you can have a good outcome in one, and a bad outcome in the other - in those cases, only you can decide if that is a bad ending or not. ^_^

Many thanks for your support (and patience ^_^)