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Hullo, hullo, SweetChiel! Happy Valentine's Day! Even if that day is insignificant for me ahahaha

Okay, okay, I'm gunna be in Arya mode today after seeing those art, because those are FUCKING GORGEOUS!! I hope you will gonna keep drawing realism too, next to your... what is Bermuda art style, anime art style?

But well, the art is so good!!! <3 I will give you these finger hearts for all the heart work. HA, UNINTENTIONAL PUN, my fingers just typed it automatically LOL

Well here there are: *finger hearts* *finger hearts* *finger hearts* <3<3<3

(1 edit) (+1)

The puns! Hahahahaha! X"D thanks for making me laugh so hard at midnight rofl

I'm so glad to hear you love it! I'll do my best to draw semirealism once in a while but it might become a problem if I end up not having no time to spare for programming 😂 and yes, Bermuda is a combination of anime and semirealism but heavier on the anime side~

Thanks for the heart fingers <3 Happy Valentine indeed! I hope you're doing well~ here's some cyber hearts, hoping to share some of my sweetness with you ~<3 <3 <3 <3 ~<3 <3 <3 <3

*Sharing sweetness because my nickname is SweetChiel after all x"D *cough *excuse me and my fondness of corny puns 😂🤣