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Really good for a first game!

I'd really recommend not continuing working on the game when you are still very much a beginner. The best thing to do when you are starting out is to make a lot of games quickly. That makes you, one, actually finish stuff, two, learn about a lot of different things, and three, you don't have to deal with the crap you wrote a month ago. So make a project in a week, then make another, and another one, and so on. Good luck with your gamedev adventure!


big thanks! and special thanks for the advice, very close to my own plan , just wanted to publish this one before moving on. 


If you want to do a jam or something together, just hit me up with that. I really enjoy working with new people, so if you feel like it then just throw an email down my way :D


Sounds great! I'll probably learn for a while, but as soon as I feel confident enough and I'm done with learning basics, I'll definitely hit you up! looking forward already!

Don't keep me waiting for too long ;)