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awesome visuals! i like the concept as well and the atmosphere is just fantastically built! it really gives off this "Pony Island" vibe. this game is, however, really tedious. i have no idea what the pay off is but having to go through the same thing over, and over, and over again moving at the pace of a snail just makes me not care at all. this has a lot of potential and could be a really good game, it just needs some tweaks on the design

Oh, the main mechanic of the game is what is referred to as "knowledge checkpoints". Once you receive new information, you no longer need to make the journey to get that information again, and by extension, can make much more progress. The game is built off of a series of these knowledge checkpoints so that you don't actually have to repeat any task more than once. I hope that helps without spoiling anything.


gotcha! thanks for clarifying :)