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(1 edit) (+1)

you may want to use a local server for testing, python for example. Then I'd go trough all scripts an remove external dependencies, DL those scripts and host them locally. I wonder what you need JQuery for...

It's hard to say what's wrong without to know the program structure. Is it using SetTimeout() in JS to execute a "mainloop", or ist it something completely unrelated, like a text adventure in HTML? Anyway, if it is framebuffer oriented, try using the system milliseconds counter to locate the part of the code that slows things down.

edit: you said you're using DIV tags to show and remove elements. I hope you don't create and delete HTML-elements, but instead simply hide them by css attribute display="none".

Thank u for your time!
I use JQuery to make it easier for me to select and perform multiple actions (chain) on some of the game's elements. However, I have learned with time  that it wasn't too hard to do the same things with pure JS, therefore, I'm thinking of removing JQuery.

Well, I do use use SetTimeout() on many parts in this prototype.

I do use that hiding technique by setting the display="none" as well.  As for remove, I use it on elements I don't have need for.