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Guntur continues to be my ideal man LOL but with the amount of endings you mention, I'm so ready to try to collect them! Will there be a way to see which ones you get/are left? The art looks so beautiful this week :)

I have a question for the boys :)) would you mind being asked out/proposed to instead of the other way around? 

P.S. hmu Guntur ^u^ <3


Hi, ro-ses! 
Thanks for joining the fun, Guntur is flattered and your question is noted! x'D

Hmm... for's game version, I'm afraid you'll have to remember it by yourself ><; 
But! I'm planning to make achievements for the Steam version so you should be able to track them -^.^)/ it'll be quite some time for me to make the Steam version though. I have to finish making rewards for my indiegogo supporters first; such as the bonus wallpaper, artbook, etc...

I hope I answered your question! Stay tuned and don't hesitate to write another comment if you have more questions >u<)/
