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Good platformer game. I played “adult” mode and the control is ~~a bit~~ very chunky for me. Switching between static and moving blaster wasn’t intuitive even after a dozen minutes of play. Dialogue is advanced by “E” but clicking shots pellets instead, draining the ammo. I think that the first issue is that “you never know what’s behind the screen”. I know many platformers indeed exploit this feature to have the Player memorize the level and “do it better on the next run”, but I’m not fan of losing hearts because the snail is there and you’ve just jumped off a moving platform, or falling to death trying to understand where are you supposed to go. FPS-related shimmering on moving platforms is annoying but bearable :) The far background is too boring + some objects look like foreground objects (found myself twice trying to jump on a platform which actually was in the background). Fell from platform in the start of the second area to infinity beyond (after killed snails, removed the red light, and going a long ride on horizontal moving platform). Red colors are irritating to the eyes. Yes, I’m nitpicking here, but as the author mentioned “Will probably release this one on steam” I’m writing this comment (not rating) based on “game dev is 20% fun 80% hard work” - this game still needs some polishing done. Overall the game promises to be real fun.


Hi, thank you so much for the thorough feedback! It helps a lot. I will make sure to look at those points and try to improve upon them after this Jam! Thanks once again!