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There are a lot of fantasy-themed RPG assets, but not a lot of sci fi stuff. Maybe some modern/sci fi top-down RPG stuff? Space ship interiors, tech, aliens and alien worlds, etc. That could be fun.

I am currently working on some sci-fi themed icons, but topdown assets would be a cool thing to do. 

Do you have a sci-fi themed project that would benefit from this? 

Not immediately. I've been working on a 2d top down framework for a little while. Rogue-lite open world sim kind of thing. Still not 100% decided on the theme yet, but I've been leaning towards Fantasy just because I'm not an artist and those kinds of assets are plentiful.

Sounds fun, is there any account I can stalk for updates? :) 

99% of my social media is screaming into the void about politics and 1% WIP screenshots, so probably not a good idea :)