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Thanks for advice:

- What is "Tank controls"... If you mean W A S D keys for moving and rotating, they are used in other games too.

- Distance in the game can be: Near (below 5 meters), Normal (from 5 to 10 meters) and Far (15 meters and more). Crosshair icon is showing only on Normal distance. Some characters have skill for Far icon. So, if you Aim point at something far, you can't see crosshair. Mouse is used only for Up and Down for Aiming, Left and Right is with A D keys.

-  Yes sometimes this happens in very near distance. From normal and far distance you must be sure you pointing at zombies.

- Stamina bars recharging time is different for every character. For example Dimitri is big and slow, females are faster... Check Help menu in-game for more information.

-  Yes indeed.

-  Yes it's possible to be made this for default camera position. But the player have opportunity to rotate around the character and moving near or far the camera. Also with A D key rotation is hard to miss something near to you.

- Voice acting for females are made by real actor: and I am happy for this. But male characters are made with PC generated voice acting program. I plan to find real actors for the males in the future versions of the game.

- Yes they can be better.

- They have different Hit Rate, between 30-40% chance for miss. Also on every difficulty (Easy to Hard) they have different stats.

- This is temporary solution. I don't want to store complicated accounts on my host. Email & Password is the same like a Username & PIN (which can be remembered very easy). Also I don't have plans for options like a forgot password, change password and so on... Just I am not sure my host will be stable and online forever to store this data. Anyway in next versions I have better solution for this... but that's all for now, that I can say before next updates.