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(3 edits)

Yeah, sure.

(assuming you're asking about v2)

I'll start with the enemies because there is not much into it (most of them have only one animation)

The 1st enemy have the same animation twice differs only with his "brain" color - this could be a different type of enemy or state of the same one.

The 3rd enemy is the turret. 1st-3rd frame is shooting than is unused blank than shining animation. The idea was to use 1st frame for idle and let it shine every once and then because it does not move at all during its idle.

The 4th enemy is a robot that has idle and moving animations separated by 

Than there is the player - reading from left to right, than from top to bottom frames are like so:

Idle and squash are in the same row (1st), run, shoot and action are in their own rows.

All of those are used in the gif screenshot (fist pic in the description) except the "shoot" animation.

idle - run when no input (this one is run a 2x slower than others 200ms instead of 100ms for a fream):

squash - this animation is supposed to run when your character hit the ground after falling:

run - in addition you can use e.g. 2nd and 3rd frame of this animation for rising and falling during a jump:

shoot - it's kinda magic like shooting something, you'd have to add a projectile on top of that:

action/attack - moving a lever or a sword attack if you add some swoosh effect:

in addition after the shoot action (starting at 64x288)  there is double with (32x16) animation of a simple swoosh to be used with action/attack:

(also: your English is great, don't be sorry about it :))

Thank you for your help! :) I really appreciate it. Your informations will help me to create a cool looking game! I will show you a preview when I will a something to show. Maybe I will need your help to design my levels. :P