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Treasure chest (closed and open) and a walking skeleton? :)

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Chests make's sense! I don't know how I missed adding a chest to a dungeon tileset! What is a dungeon tileset without a chest?! I'll try to fix that this weekend. :)

As for animations - I though they'd just move 1 pixel up and down, like in the old times. If I ever update the tileset with animations it'll be for all of the characters too, not just one (because consistency). Animation it's very time consuming (even for such a small scale) so it's unlikely I'll find time for that anytime soon.

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Here you go - a couple of chests. As for animations: I don't plan to work on them any time soon, but hopefully the tileset is still useful to you.

Thanks! Do you have twitter? When I am going to use this tileset, I will let you know and donate some money.

Yes I have, but it's blocked and I have trouble to contact them and restore it. I don't have good experiences with Twitter tbh :/.

I believe that team is working on private messaging system but not sure when it'll be ready.

Alternatively you could donate e.g. 1¢ I'll get your email and I'll be able to contact with you if you wish.

Sorry, I kinda don't like to post my email address publicly.

I will :)