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I like the idea of upgrading pieces but your game miss a lot of essential things. By that I don't mean the "legal" moves check necessarily. I really miss that the piece won't snap into a center of a square after a move. Than I miss sound effects and music (recording 2 sound effects would suffice). I think your idea is great and if you put more work to it past jam, it could be really good! Keep learning and jamming :)

WHOLE HEARTEDLY Agree Esosek! I was honestly not gonna submit due to basically being SUPREMELY stumped but a classmate helped me program the BASICS in UDK and so I decided to post something with the raw idea rather than nothing... I am trying to finish my original attempt in godot! I fully intend on adding the little things that add up to a full experience of a board game like chess! And thank you-- I plan on joining the brackey's game jam next!