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(4 edits) (+1)

dear EroAxe.

while i completely agree with you, i don't at the same time and I'll explain why. as it seems you have played the game but you didn't really played the game.
while you criticize the game a lot you forgot to mention a lot of the good stuff about the game I'll leave a bit of good stuff from the game

  • the movement is amazing
  • the visuals are just great it looks like its an exe piece of art
  • the story telling is just amazing it feels like I'm watching an amazing interactable movie
  • the music is just WOW and the sounds that's really a great way to show what you can do in so little time

I'll let you figure out all the other amazing experiences that game makes you feel.

here's a little story for good luck

Once upon a time, there lived a shepherd boy who was bored watching his flock of sheep on the hill. To amuse himself, he shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! The sheep are being chased by the wolf!” The villagers came running to help the boy and save the sheep. They found nothing and the boy just laughed looking at their angry faces.

“Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there’s no wolf boy!”, they said angrily and left. The boy just laughed at them.

After a while, he got bored and cried ‘wolf!’ again, fooling the villagers a second time. The angry villagers warned the boy a second time and left. The boy continued watching the flock. After a while, he saw a real wolf and cried loudly, “Wolf! Please help! The wolf is chasing the sheep. Help!”

But this time, no one turned up to help. By evening, when the boy didn’t return home, the villagers wondered what happened to him and went up the hill. The boy sat on the hill weeping. “Why didn’t you come when I called out that there was a wolf?” he asked angrily. “The flock is scattered now”, he said.

An old villager approached him and said, “People won’t believe liars even when they tell the truth. We’ll look for your sheep tomorrow morning. Let’s go home now”.


Lying breaks trust. Nobody trusts a liar, even when he is telling the truth.

next time don't judge a game before you play it for at least 75 hours

for EroAxe by coolkingbro

i rated the game 2/5