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(1 edit)

Upgrade points are earned from selling tamed slaves to the guild (previously bought from guild slaves won't work), and by doing guild quests. 

I'll add new mentions on the main screen about old version issues, as repairing saves proved to be overall poor choice in this regard.  Thanks for the report. 

And lastly, I believe adult characters are automatically turned on when you disable childlike characters. 

Awesome, thanks for getting back to me so soon, and answering my question! There is one thing though that I should clarify:

"And lastly, I believe adult characters are automatically turned on when you disable childlike characters. "

Yes, that is indeed what the options screen says happens, and what should be happening, but what I'm saying in my report is that disabling childlike characters while adult characters are still disabled doesn't actually re-enable adult characters automatically. If you do the actions outlined in my report, then despite both childlike characters being disabled and adult characters being enabled, the game will act as if the opposite was true, which is especially noticeable during character creation if you try to create an adult player character or slave. I hope that clears up what exactly the issue I'm trying to point out is.

(1 edit)

Character creation is not actually affected by age settings outside of 'child' option. Player character will always be able to pick between teen and adult(but not child), and slave character can have either adult-teen or adult-teen-child options. I haven't been able to get any other results from playing with options, and judging from the code this shouldn't be possible.