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Wow, this was amazing! I only found one bug, which is insane for a game jam. (the bug was on the level with the four round guys following you down the hall. if you ping whil on the square and wait, then the would stop AFTER the square, and that is a softlock. i can explain better if needed)

oh! There was another thing that bothered me and I dont know if it was a bug. pressing space doesnt ping if you are holding any diagonal other than up right

oh yea i think that's a weird unity bug, for some reason it stops detecting space inputs if you're holding down two arrow keys? it should work if you use wasd controls iirc

oh ok. it still worked if the two arrows were the up and right ones.


ooh yea i tried turning off collisions on the round guys when they spot a green square but i guess it wasn't enough to prevent that lol

thanks for playing! i appreciate it

thanks for making! I appretiate it!