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(1 edit)

Well... I finally found a new bug.... except not really.

I Think... I managed to do this - on a fresh restart - by Starting the game (No existing save)- switching to sandbox (No save), doing stuff (no save), and then switching back (constituted as a reload/New game, while engine was running, because no save)

I didn't want to "waste time" getting my graphics reset - since I deleted save game and settings again.

I went to go check on copper ore veins (with my magic carpet, as you do. (Blueprint scroll))

Found one at start of cave, cool cool - looked around, a coal, an iron, a crystal a copper a cryst... WAIT WHAT?

#morefear morepowah

definitely couldn't stop the fear from spawning this time.

Honestly, I'll mostly just chalk this up to related for the previous fear entry, edit style - I assume its more so related to that.

My guess... Is.. for some reason... If you have no save, and start fresh - fear will either not spawn, or spawn.. wrong? - or some graphic setting is making it invisible.. i dunno. (this is fairly low settings)

and if you have a save, but hit "new game" (or do the equivalent of such, via Sandbox/engine running/ no save to reload) - The crystal, can maybe, spawn?....

I dunno.

edit - ok so either there's a third one in this pic, or, a third one spawned when I came back to get the other two and ore with a pick and crate (clearly, pic shows I didn't have a pick before hand, had to make sure it was worth it.)

At any rate - I now have 3 fear crystals - slept, didn't find one in the morning - so just 3.