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Visuals were super cool! very nice idea for a gamejam game too! Took me a couple of tries to really get how to aim and hit things, but enjoyed beating that train very much! :') 

The one thing that I would love for a potential post-jam update is sound design! I first destroyed the laser because that noise was too much, but then it's pretty much silent :( Having some more player sounds for walking and jumping, having the sounds come from the laser beams instead of the center so you get that bwoooooOOAOOWWWwoooo effect when you jump over them, and adding wheel sounds to the actual wheels would help out a bunch top of my mind. The audio channel is very active on the discord so if you ask i'm sure there'll be a couple of sound designers who would love to add some sound to this!

(1 edit)

Would be awesome if you could help, contact me on my artstation. :D (see TeamPage)